Thursday, April 06, 2006

So it's here at last

A mute swan in Fife is found to have died of the H5N1 strain of bird flu. Of course it was coming but now it seems different. Lots of stuff on the radio advising people to go on eating eggs and poultry - I suppose people need to be told the bleeding obvious! But after hearing how some people in the last few months have stopped feeding garden birds and instead are driving them away and destroying their nests, I suppose the bleeding obvious isn't that obvious to some people!

No sign of the moorhens over the last few days but then I've not been at home to look out the window much. The park next door is getting a spring tidy-up so the ground cover on which they rely has gone temporarily so maybe they're just hiding somewhere else for a bit. Shame.

Donald's eye is good enough now for me to stop persecuting him with the ointment. He's a real sweetie and I'm looking forward to Ellie getting home and meeting him.

1 comment:

Kathryn said...

I do so hate this overwhelming instinct for self preservation regardless of the threat, real or perceived...Giles and I were talking about it earlier today and just couldn't get our heads round the fact that people would willingly (deliberately) deprive themselves of the joy of a garden full of birds because of a possible risk a long long way down the line.
Been thinking of you and your brood all day...