These two little beauties are pekin bantams - the buff one (toffee coloured!) hatched chicks in the summer, all of whom live up a tree at night and must have clung on tight in the gales of the last couple of nights! She took to sitting on two eggs a month ago but nothing hatched, the eggs weren't fertile. This is really just as well since the wet and cold would see off all but the most hardy chicks at this time of year.
The moorhens have returned about a month ago and the one i see most regularly is quite small so maybe this year's baby.
The new black hens went out for the first time today and had immediately to establish their place in the pecking order - they rank above these two pekins but below the fairly assertive young bantam cockerels hatched this summer! The black hens ranged all round the garden on their first day - quite surprising - and found their way back to their own coop tonight. Brilliant birds.
Excellent! Clearly "bird brain" is actually a huge compliment.
So glad about the moorhens too, - had been meaning to ask.
Fantastic news, that first time they're out and you wait to see if they come back - now thats nerve-making
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