Saturday, July 22, 2006

sussex star

The white hen had her life ended by the vet yesterday. She looked egg-bound and despite vegetable oil and steam she didn't get any better. So the vet felt inside her - no egg but instead a soft fibrous growth - so I held her while he injected the heart stopper. She just collapsed gently and then died after a few minutes. She's been a good layer and a great character. Perhaps the most friendly of them all since the black one disappeared last summer. I'm not as sad as I might have been having this week buried a baby of 16 months - a little girl called Hallie. That kind of puts everything in perspective.

1 comment:

Kathryn said...

Oh what a lot of horridness there is sometimes....Thought about you so much on Thursday (when, ironically, we were saying farewell to a lady of 95). Good to have Hallie's name for prayers.
Take care. Hugs xxx